A perfect looking six pack Ab's is that goal which everyone wants to achieve. But it is not as easy as it seems to be as they say "the bigger the goal is, the more hustle it takes". Exercises cannot alone help you have muscles, you need to take proper diet with consistency as well. Here you will learn some of the best exercises to target the overall Ab's muscles in different angles. 

For if you want to build the 6 pack abs for people of any age group. Whether you are a school going kid, teenager, job worker, or above 50 years you can get the perfect looking six pack biscuits on your abdominal. It's just after 30 years of age people start loosing muscles by 3% to 5% every decade. 

When it comes to  workout for Abs, you need to follow proper form in order to target the Abs efficiently to maximize the results. Now I'm assuming that you won't have weighted plates or dumbbells at your home, no problem, normally people don't have them at home. 

Lets just break down Ab's in three categories, 
1. Upper Ab's
2. Mid Ab's
3. Lower Ab's
and also the side obliques which gives the Ab's a perfect V-Shaped look. To train the side obliques you can check here. By categorizing this way, we can train them specifically and in a simpler way.

Now to train each of these categories, i'll tell you the specific exercises of each specific categories required. Each of these exercises will not require any equipment to perform. So here are these:

1. Upper Ab's
Upper Ab's are the upper region of your Ab's which is visible just below your chest muscles.


PERFORM:  Beginner: 3 sets each of 20 repetition.
                     Intermediate: 3 set of 20-30 repetition.
                     Advance: 4 set of 40 repetition.

ADVICE: To create balance while performing the exercise, put any kind of weight on your feet or try to stabilize your feet while doing the exercise to avoid some imbalance in posture while you do the exercise. Lay in above position, then push only your upper body upwards only by the help of your abdominal muscles to maximize the tension on the Ab's. take 20-30 seconds break then perform the next set same way you did the earlier set.


PERFORM: Beginner: 3 sets each of 20 repetition.
                    Intermediate: 3 set of 20-30 repetition.
                    Advance: 4 set of 40 repetition.

ADVICE: Lay down on floor or mat, spread your legs 1 metre apart and then you will have to touch your right foot with your left hand fingers, then lay down again and this time touch your left foot with your right hand fingers. Perform this alternatively by both hands till you touch your feet 20 times(for beginners) by each hand.

2. Mid Ab's

The mid section of Ab's are a little easier to train because while you do exercises for your upper and lower Ab's you ultimately hit your mid Ab's as well as those exercises also hit you mid section of Ab's.
Some mid specific Ab's exercises are:


PERFORM: Beginner: 3 sets each of 30 repetition.
                    Intermediate: 3 set of 30-40 repetition.
                    Advance: 4 set of 40-50 repetition.

ADVICE: Bent your knees while you lay down freely. Now touch your left heel with your left hand fingers and then come back to normal position then touch your right heel with your right hand fingers or vice versa. Keep in mind, to maintain constant tension on your muscles you have to keep your core tight. Keeping core tight will provide you the proper form and focus on your Ab's muscles while you bend on either sides. 


PERFORM: Beginner: 3 sets each of 30 repetition.
                    Intermediate: 3 set of 30-40 repetition.
                    Advance: 4 set of 40-50 repetition.

ADVICE: While sitting on a mat, keep your legs together in air(some inches above the ground to maintain balance) then clasp your hands and try touching the floor on either of your sides alternatively. Here again, your core should be tight and you need a pure mind muscle connection to maximize the tension in the muscles.

3. Lower Ab's


PERFORM: Beginner: 3 sets each of 20 repetition.
                    Intermediate: 3 set of 30-40 repetition
                    Advance: 4 set of 40 repetition

ADVICE: Lay down on a mat in a relaxed manner, put your hands on side of your waste to stabilize the body then raise your legs making an 90° angle with the ground. Remember, raise your legs with the help of Abdominal muscles and not by thigh muscles, your goal is to train your Ab's. So keep these little things in mind while doing the exercise. Now for beginners who are unable to raise legs up to 90° no problem, everyone's a beginner at first at anything they start so for you can raise as much as possible for you and ultimately you will be better practicing it in couple  of days.



PERFORM: Beginner: 3 sets each of 20 repetition.
                    Intermediate: 3 set of 30-40 repetition
                    Advance: 4 set of 40 repetition

ADVICE: Use the same trick you did above by keeping your palms on the ground to stabilize your upper body. Now you just have to kick in the air alternatively noted that leg should not touch the ground until set completes.

And Lastly,
the king of Ab's workout,



PERFORM:  Beginner: 3 sets each up to 30 seconds.
                     Intermediate: 3 set each from 30-60 seconds.
                     Advance: 3 sets each each more than 1 minute.

ADVICE: Finishing off your Ab's workout with a plank is the most effective way to rupture those muscles to force them to grow. A plank is effective for overall Ab's muscle. Now when you observe the correct posture in te picture, you see that the person's body is aligned in a straight line, from neck, shoulder, waist to heel.

NOTE: 1) Don't forget to take 20-30 seconds of rest in between the sets to inhale                     some oxygen and fill yourself with some extra energy.

            2) If you want to increase the intensity of the workout, you can decrease the                 rest time in between the sets and in between the exercises.