To understand fully, we will need to break down the anatomy of he abdomen. The most obvious part of your Abs is going to be the rectus abdominis and the external obliques. These two are the visible portion of the abdomen and is what most people will refer to as the six pack.

From there, we have the transverse abdominis and the internal obliques, which is your inner Abs. The inner abdomen is the core component that the stomach vacuum is going to work. These muscles are very important as they will support posture and aid with breathing.
KEEP IN MIND, its not tough as it looks.

 How to get started is rather tricky... and just like with a lot of things, you will probably be pretty bad at it first off. So get ready to fail a lot of times. From there, the entire aim is to breathe out all the air from your lungs and bell whilst contracting your Ab's fully.

From there, once you've done that, you want to forcefully pull your belly button back towards your spine as deep as you can - hold this position for as long as you can manage, and then return to the starting position.

Take a deep breath in and repeat the process. you can do it as much as you'd like, ideally if you want to get good at it rather quickly, aim to do 5 sets of 10 second holds 2-3 times a day.

If you're able to do that consistently you should be able to do it super well in few weeks. But keep in mind that it will be much easier at lower body fat percentage and first thing in the morninig.


1. Practicing vacuum pose builds strength in your transverse abdominis, a layer of muscle behind the Abs.

2. It helps in making waistline smaller.

3. Makes your posing more finer.

4. gives your upper body a V-Shaped looks.