Does gym stunt height growth.

A very common myth among teenagers and parents regarding gym is that lifting weight stunts height. It is a very common misconception in air that 
needs to be cleared out. A lot of teenagers wonder if their height will stunt if they start lifting weights, even teachers have misconception regarding this. 

Clearing out this myth from my side i'm gonna tell you how does the height gets effected and the ultimate secrets to increase height even if you're above 18.

The answer to the question that "does gym stunt height?" is  No!, going to gym and lifting weights won't effect or stunt your height growth(exceptions). Instead some of the exercises in the gym have been proven to increase height. 

Your height depends on only 3 factors i.e., exercise, diet and genetics.

How much tall you will be is almost 90% dependent on your genetics. Like if your dad is 5'10 and your mom is 5'5 then it is most likely that you will be in between range of 5'8 to 5'12. Those are very rare cases when a child is dwarf or a giant.

 So check out and estimate the height of your father, mother, grandfather because most probably you're gonna lie in the same range.

2. DIET.
Even if you have bad genetics meaning if your ancestors are not as tall as you want to be don't worry you can tackle this by taking a well balanced diet with proper amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats. 

If you exercise in gym for biceps, triceps, abs, chest, calves, hamstring, back then these exercises have literally no effect on your height because these exercises do not deal with any impact on Spinal cord. Your height increases as your spine lengthens so main role in getting taller is of spine.

Your spine compresses when you push weight above your shoulder and this results in compressing the spine and hence height growth stops.
When you lift heavy barbell over the head it impacts your spine and compresses it. 

Exercise like overhead shoulder press puts tension on the spinal cord while lifting and heavy squats and heavy deadlifts have a lot of impact on your spine. Thus if you are below 21 years and you wish to increase height either avoid these three exercises or do with light weights.

Some other ways of increase height.

1. Drink lots of Water
Apart from numerous benefits of drinking water, water also helps in transporting nutrients like calcium to various body cells which make your bones longer and stronger.

2. Stretching and hanging exercises
Your body is like a rubber, if you stretch it, it will elongate. Stretching and hanging is one of the best way to increase height through exercise. start skipping rope, hanging everyday and eventually after somedays you will see the results.

Also exercises like running, swimming, cobra stretch, forward knee bend, spine stretch are very helpful when it comes to increase height.

3. Proper Sleep
If you don't take proper amount of rest for a number of days your body will not be able to produce enough amount of growth hormones which are released during sleep to make you taller. It is advised to take 8 hours of sleep for an average person.