Today I'm gonna tell you top 20 most frequently asked questions about gym and muscle building. Most of the people are just unaware and unknowingly follow wrong myths with wrong knowledge. These questions were asked multiple times and have been answered with complete scientifical facts and proper knowledge.

Q. When/ How long does the body starts losing muscles once someone quits gym?

A. In my view, you won't feel any lose in muscle mass within 10 days of quitting the gym. But somewhere around 2 weeks your muscles starts losing strength. 

The reason behind this is when you quit gym, your muscles are still recovering, so it does not effect your muscles by almost 10 days but after that when your muscles don't get heavy weights then the body has no reason to hold those muscles and to grow. Hence you start losing muscles gradually.

Q. Can I prevent muscle loss by having home workout with or without equipment?

A. If you have left gym at heavy training then in order to save and build muscles you need  to provide weighted training. It can be done at home or at gym parks but if you wish to avoid the weight you used to lift at the gym by just body weight hence you will still end up losing some muscles. Provided that beginners will see increase in  muscle mass as they are not used to heavy lifting, since no one start the first day in gym with 100 kg squats right?

Q. Can I avoid muscle loss by having my gym diet after quitting gym?

A. You used to take your gym diet in order to repair, regrow and rebuild muscles from the damage your muscle tissues faced during the gym session. Now when you don't lift weights there is no tissue to repair. Hence you cannot avoid muscle loss just by having a proper diet but you will stay healthy. Instead you will start storing fat if you consume high calorie diet and having no physical movement at all.

Q. Should I decrease the amount of protein intake once I quit gym?

A. Yes, now since you don't lift heavy your protein requirement is not as high as your gym days. Now you just need 1 gm protein per pound body weight in order to just maintain the muscles.

Q. Does more sweating means more fat loss?

A. It's an common myth among people who go to gym for weight loss. Sweating is a body's  way of regulating body's temperature (known as thermogenesis). When you workout, your body temperature rises. So the body releases water and the water evaporates on the skin in order to decrease and normalize the body temperature.

The more intense the workout is (like squats and deadlift or HIIT, cardio training), the more the body produces sweating. It also depends on surrounding temperature. You might feel less sweating while working out in air conditioned gym.

Q.  How many days should I work out?

A. You can workout alternative days or 4 days, 5 days, 6 days a week. Have atleast 1 day of  rest in a week.

Q. How many muscles group can I train in a day?

A. You can train single muscle group or double muscle group, triple muscle group or full body workout.

Q. Why am I having back pain from couple of days after joining gym?

A. Unless and until you workout in wrong posture you shouldn't have any back pain doe to  workout.

Q. Can we drink water during workout?
A. Yes you can drink water before and during the workout in a limited amount hence you will feel bloated.The main reason to drink water during the workout is to avoid dehydration due to sweating. 

Q. How much water can we drink during the workout?

A. You must drink 750 ml to 1000 ml during the workout.

Q. What should I take as pre-workout?

A. Your pre-workout meal can be anything which provides large amount of energy to the body.  In a meal 2 hours before the workout you can have rice, chicken, scrambled eggs. In a meal just before workout, that is 30 minutes before the workout you can have any one of these: banana, handful of raisins, boiled potato, curd which will boost your energy level. Or if you have a pre workout supplement you are good to go.

Q. What should I take in post workout?

A. Post workout meal is the most important meal of the day because when you just have finished your workout your body demands protein and energy in order to repair the muscle fibers and to fill the body with some energy. If you have protein supplement it's okay alternatively I would suggest to go for something which digests fast and easily. Chicken, eggs, sweet potato, tuna, oatmeal, cottage cheese, bananas, whole-grain pasta.

Q. What should I not eat after the workout?

A. Avoid having caffeine, fried foods, processed foods and energy bars, shugary shakes and drinks. Instead go for more water. It will keep your body hydrated and your muscles pumped.

Q. How many times should I train ab's for maximum results?

A. You can train ab's 2-3 times a week. You can train them on alternate days thereby giving them some time to recover.

Q. How should I start workout after a long break from the gym?

A. Since you haven't worked out for a long time, instead of training a single muscle group thoroughly I would suggest to have a full body workout for 2 or 3 days of rejoining in order to activate the muscles and to let them feel the weights. After 3 days you can start your normal workout routine.

Q. Should I stretch my body before or after the workout?

A. Stretching can be done before the workout, you need to just warm up in order to avoid injuries. Stretching after workout helps in bringing heart beat to a normal rate as well as breaks down the lactic acid which is produced during the workout. Furthermore, it helps in blood circulation in the body, promoting muscle repair and fast recovery.


If you have any doubt, let me know.