Protein serves as a source of energy, helps in repairing the damaged tissues and essential for human growth.

Protein  are nitrogen-containing substances that are formed by amino acids, these amino acids help in repairing and building new muscle fibers. 

The best time to take protein is entirely dependent on your goal. Whether if your goal is to increase muscle mass or to lose weight or to maintain the muscle mass in aging (after 30 years of age).


Protein is the most important nutrient for mass building.

When it comes to increasing muscle mass the protein intake has to be higher than other two categories. The protein requirement is 1 to 1.5 gm per pound body weight or 2.2 to 3.4 gm per kg body weight. 

The perfect time duration prescribed for maximum muscle growth and optimized nutrition is within 2 hours after your workout.

Now, if you workout in fasted state your protein intake duration will decrease to within 15 to 60 minutes after workout because your body will urge for protein and energy since you did workout empty stomach.

Quantity: One full scoop of isolate whey protein is enough. 1 full scoop of isolate whey is between 30 - 35 gm in weight and has around 25 gm of protein. (click here  for isolate whey protein)

Q. Can I take two or more scoops in a day of whey protein?
A. It is recommended to take 1 - 2 scoops of whey that is around     25 - 50 gm of protein.


Eating a protein rich diet for weight loss is the simplest and easiest way of weight loss.

When you don't feel hunger for longer time you ultimately consume less calorie. If you eat more calories than you burn then you are bound to gain weight, protein helps in that as it will make you feel full for longer time thus making you feel less hungry hence no overeating.

REQUIREMENT:  0.7 to 1 gm per pound  or 1.6 to 2.2 gm per kg of body weight 


After the age of 30, people start losing the muscle mass by 3% to 8% in a single decade. This is a natural part of aging (proven in a study @). 

The loss in muscle strength, mass and functioning is mainly due to disability of aged people which increases with age.

In order to tackle this muscle deteriorate in aging proper plan with determination is required.

REQUIREMENT: Assuming you take 5 - 6 meals in a day up to  25 - 30 grams of protein per meal is always recommended to avoid muscle loss.