If your body fat percentage is high, and you're trying hard to get in shape, don't worry almost every third person faces this problem, instead you should be happy to take an initiative towards it. Now that you have decided to get rid of extra body fat you just have to follow the simple steps with loyalty and you can lose more than 10 kg body fat in a single month. Instead of any further thinking just follow these steps and as you see the results you'll be overwhelmed, and you yourself will decide to continue more further. 

Though physical work is an necessity if your aim is to lose fat fast but we will start off with our primary focus diet
Your diet should be (far away from junk):

1. Drink lots of water

Drinking lots and lots of water will boost the amount of calories you will be burning at a particular time lately.

Water helps in excreting the extra calorie and extra sugar from the body

Q. When to drink water to take most benefit?

A. Drink one full glass of water (atleast) when you wake up in the morning, 45 minutes before taking a meal and 1 hour after taking a meal. Avoid drinking water just after the meal as it reduces the nutrition

2. Green Tea

Green tea has emerged as one of the most popular beverage in the 21st century mainly due to the nutrition values it comes up with. 

The presence of antioxidants provides many heath benefits, studies have shown that green tea is an excellent source for burning body fat.

It is rich in minerals and vitamin. Being low in calorie content, it enhances metabolism and improves body's ability to burn fat providing a healthy weight loss.

Q. How much should a person consume? are there any side effects?

A. Look excessive consumption of any edible substance can be fatal. Somewhere between 2 - 4 cups of green tea in a day will be enough.

3. Go for more Fibers

Though fibers is an carbohydrate, it does not gets digested easily which will make you feel full for a longer time. 

Decrease in hunger thus provides low calorie intake and increases weight loss. 
Fruits such as guava, pomegranate seeds, raspberries and blackberries, veggies include carrots, sprouts are rich source of fiber

4. Coffee

Coffee can do much more than just providing energy boost. Increasing its activity improves blood sugar control as well as improves blood lipid level and the extra calories burnt help with weight loss.

Q. Which coffee is better?

A. Black coffee contains caffeine that very effectively increases metabolic activity and boosts energy level in our body

Better metabolic activities and high energy levels may lead to suppression of hunger in the body. However make sure to avoid sugar or any other sweeteners in order to make it a low calorie drink.

5. Avoid having high carbs meal.

Carbohydrates increases the blood sugar level more than any other nutrient. Your body then produces extra insulin to bring the blood sugar level down. Insulin is a fat storage hormone. With more circulating insulin in your bloodstream, your body converts the carbohydrates to fat and stores them

ADVICE: Decrease the intake of carbs specially in dinner as it doesn't get utilized during night and hence gets stored as fat

Now you can be in any one of the two category:
1. Goes to gym
2. Does not  goes to gym

Now if you are a person of category 2 here are the tips you can do:


High intensity interval training is an excellent and effective way of fat loss it includes cardio whether it be skipping rope, swimming, jogging, running, dancing, instead of using motor vehicle ride a bicycle for shorter destinations. All this will not only help in burning fat it will give you the motivation and you will be testing out your skills at the same time.

2. Intense Cardio Sports

A fun way to burn fat is to get indulge in any high intensity requiring sport such as soccer, basketball, hockey, cricket.

If you are in high school or in a college compete in your institutes sports camp, if you are aged team up with the teens playing in the park don't just sit back and hope for the change.

And if you are a first category person focus more on endurance training. Go for higher reps with low weights, for example if you do bicep curls and you can easily lift 10 pound plate for 15 reps push yourself for an extra 5 or 8 reps. This will increase the intensity of fat loss and it accelerates the calorie burn even after the workout.

Q. Is lifting higher weight for low reps not effective?

A. Of course it is an effective way of fat loss. Heavy weight training increases strength as well as builds muscle over time. It is not helpful in losing weight but reduces the fat percentage of the body.


Now you might be thinking which one to choose heavy weight training or endurance training, they both are beneficial in fat loss but endurance training also helps in decreasing body weight. So if your aim is to lose weight go for higher reps with low or medium weights according to your capability. You can even switch upon both the types of training depending upon your choice.

ADVICE: Having an adequate amount of sleep is as important as sum of all things you read till now. You can produce more growth hormones while you're sleep,helps in fat burn and to repair the muscles so you can increase strength and loose weight.